Sunday, May 29, 2011

Making Room for More Love

It has been some time since I have sat down to blog anything.  For the past 2 months, our family has been processing the diagnosis, treatment, and eventual death of our very loved cat Porter.

Porter was a cat beyond any other I have ever encountered.  He had a way of coming up to any person and making sure they felt his unconditional love.  He was a hugger, snuggler, talker, great listener, and would patiently put up with our children's need for a dress up doll.  

When we got news of his diagnosis (a very aggressive and rare nasal tumor) we knew that life without him was going to be painful.  On a very gloomy Saturday, our family spent the whole morning loving on Porter.  Our kids drew him pictures and wrote him letters that they read to him while holding his paw.  Our loving 7 year old 5 year old kids worked through their sadness, and as parents, we tried to do the same.  

As time passed, there was a very palpable hole in our family.  We have 2 other very loving cats, but they are less patient and less snugly with the children.  After much thought and adult discussions we decided to start looking for another furry family member.  But, we had very high expectations for this kitty.  It had to be a boy (because our other 2 cats are females), had to be from a rescue because there are so many that need loving homes, had to be good with other cats, good with dogs, patient with kids, and most importantly.... a snuggler.      

When I was looking on the internet for adoption places for cats, I came across this face

I was reluctant to call for information on this sweet face because he was located in a small town over an hour away from our house.  But, there was something about his face that I just couldn't resist.  So, I called and from the description I got, he was the perfect fit for our family.  So we drove down and started the 3 day long adoption process.  We got word yesterday that we were approved and immediately jumped in our vehicle and headed down to get him.

We have named him Ringo, and he is doing great with our family.  Our kids are smitten with him and he can't get enough of their love and affection.

We have realized that we can still miss Porter and have room to love another kitty as well.  It's amazing how much love your house can hold if given the opportunity.